Bariatric surgery or obesity surgery is a treatment that eliminates a large part of excess weight.
It is effective for patients who suffer from obesity, especially since this type of operation aims to prevent weight regain. Obesity surgery also makes it possible to prevent or even cure certain diseases linked to excess weight, such as diabetes and arterial hypertension.
Thanks to the remarkable progress made in obesity surgery in Tunisia, you are able to benefit from state-of-the-art surgical techniques and carry out your bariatric surgery project in the best conditions.
Although surgery is an effective solution against overweight, the durability of the results and the success of your weight loss in Tunisia will essentially depend on your willingness to modify and improve your eating habits and regain a better quality of life.
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The different techniques practiced for bariatric surgery in Tunisia
Obesity surgery encompasses various techniques, such as the Sleeve, Bypass, and BariClip. It is specialist surgeon Dr. Patrick Noël who will guide you toward the most suitable solution for your case, following a thorough evaluation of your overweight condition. The treatment that best suits you is selected based on carefully considered criteria.

This operation reduces the size of the stomach by resecting almost 75% of its volume. Thus the stomach which has the form of a bag takes the form of a narrow tube. With this technique, the feeling of hunger decreases considerably with the reduction in the secretion of Ghrelin, a hormone secreted by the removed part of the stomach and which is responsible for the feeling of hunger.
The sleeve gastrectomy allows a loss of 50% of excess weight. Then, the weight loss bends a little to generally stabilize around a loss of 70% of the excess weight.
The intervention is performed by laparoscopic route, lasts approximately one hour and requires two to three days of hospitalization.

This technique consists of bypassing 150 to 200 cm of small intestine depending on the excess weight by making a small gastric pouch. This will reduce daily food intake and intestinal absorption of ingested food.
There are two variants of this technique depending on the modality of the intestinal short-circuit: the ByPass in Y and the ByPass in Omega .
This intervention results in the loss of 50% of the excess weight, then the weight loss declines a little to generally stabilize around a loss of 80% of the excess weight.
This intervention is done by laparoscopic way and lasts 2 hours. and requires an average hospital stay of three days.
What is BMI and how to calculate it ?
BMI stands for Body Mass Index. It is a unit of measurement that relates a person's height to weight.
The rule is simple:
BMI = your weight (in kg) / [your height x your height] (in meters).
The higher the index, the greater the person's weight in relation to their height.
Once the BMI has been calculated, the figure obtained makes it possible to situate oneself:
From 25 to 30, we speak of overweight
30 to 35 is moderately obese.
From 35 to 40 is severe obesity
Over 40 is morbidly obese
Who is obesity surgery intended for?
Bariatric surgery is mainly for people who feel bad about themselves because of overweight and obesity problems and for whom conventional treatments: diets, medical monitoring, sport have failed.
Obesity surgery is intended for patients with excess weight exposing them to health complications.
Some criteria are essential to benefit from obesity surgery in Tunisia:
If you have been obese for more than 3 years with a BMI greater than 30 .
Failure of other treatments in your weight loss
You are motivated and knowledgeable
You are not addicted to alcohol and drugs
You don't suffer from any endocrine pathology
The implementation of a bariatric surgery project requires a lot of involvement because the most important thing in this process is above all your will.
Why resort to cosmetic surgery after bariatric surgery
The sudden weight loss resulting from the different diets imposed by bariatric surgery leads to the appearance of excess skin that will have to be removed to regain the harmony of your line.
You can opt for cosmetic surgery in Tunisia to get rid of excess skin and fat in one operation with rapid recovery.

Estelle, Obesity Coach
Obesity surgery is a process that requires nutritional and psychological monitoring before and after the operation.
Be assisted by a professional coach is strongly recommended to carry out your project and calmly understand all the questions related to your operation.