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Blog Posts (1)

  • Bariatric surgery and pregnancy: risks and benefits

    The Bariatric surgery has become an increasingly common option for people battling morbid obesity. It offers an effective path to weight loss and management obesity-related comorbidities. However, bariatric surgery and pregnancy raises key questions when a woman is considering it. What are the risks and benefits of bariatric surgery before and during pregnancy? This article explores in detail this crucial issue for the health of women and their future babies. Bariatric surgery: an effective way to fight obesity The bariatric surgery, which includes procedures such as the sleeve gastrectomy (Sleeve), the gastric bypass and adjustable gastric banding group, has demonstrated its effectiveness in the significant and lasting weight loss. For many people, this procedure has been a turning point in their fight against obesity, improving their quality of life and reducing the risk of serious diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and sleep apnea. . However, for women of childbearing age or those planning a pregnancy, there are legitimate questions about the safety of the bariatric surgery. Here are the main risks and benefits to consider: The risks of bariatric surgery before pregnancy: Nutritional deficits: The bariatric surgery can lead to nutritional deficiencies, such as iron, vitaminB12 deficiency and folic acid, which are essential for a healthy pregnancy. Excessive Weight Loss: If weight loss< /a> is too fast or too large, it can negatively affect fertility and increase the risk of complications during pregnancy. Challenges in Weight Management During Pregnancy: Once pregnant, it can be difficult to maintain sufficient caloric intake to support fetal growth while continuing to lose weight. The benefits of bariatric surgery before pregnancy: Reduced Risk of Complications: A weight loss< /a> significant before conception can reduce the risk of serious complications during pregnancy, such as gestational diabetes, hypertension and premature birth. Fertility Enhancement: For some overweight or obese women, the loss of weight resulting from bariatric surgery can improve fertility and increase the chances of conceiving. Less Weight to Lose After Pregnancy: If a woman loses weight before pregnancy, she will have less weight to lose after the birth of her baby, which may make it easier to return to a healthy weight. Bariatric surgery during pregnancy: a delicate decision If a woman has ever had a bariatric surgery and becomes pregnant, this raises additional questions. It is essential to work closely with a specialized medical team to optimally manage the pregnancy. Here are some key points to consider: Strict Medical Monitoring: Close monitoring of nutrition, fetal growth and potential deficiencies is crucial during pregnancy. Possibility of Restoring the Surgery: In some cases, it may be necessary to restore the bariatric surgery during pregnancy to manage nutritional complications. Prenatal Planning: Planning pregnancy after bariatric surgery requires careful preparation, including consultation with a specialist nutritionist and obstetrician. Conclusion: Balance risk and reward The decision to consider pregnancy before or after a < span style="color: #000000;">bariatric surgery is complex and must be tailored to each individual case. It is essential to consult an experienced healthcare professional in the management of pregnancy after a bariatric surgery. A careful approach to nutrition, medical supervision and prenatal planning can help minimize risk and maximize health benefits for mother and baby. Ultimately, the bariatric surgery may be a valid option for overweight or obese women planning pregnancy, but it requires careful medical management to ensure an outcome positive for all. Estelle Berrich Pasquier Life Coach Mobile: (+ 33 ) 6 22 30 64 20 WhatsApp / Viber: (+ 216 ) 55 291 639 ______________________________________________________ Success weight loss in Tunisia / Blog les nibblerse Closed group obesity surgery: Official Group Obesity Surgery Dr Jabbes Hatem Closed groupcosmetic and reconstructive surgery: Reconstructive and aesthetic surgery in Tunisia Individual or group coaching session: Zoom meeting Instagram: @estelleberrichcoach

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Other Pages (15)

  • Estelle Pasquier | Coach en Obésité | Chirurgie de l'Obésité

    Estelle Pasquier Coach en Obésité Your dedicated coach in the field of obesity. "With an empathetic and experience-based approach, I guide you through your transformation journey, helping you adopt healthy and sustainable habits for a balanced life. Whether you are at the beginning of your journey or seeking to maintain your progress, I am here to support you every step of the way." Achieve your Goals Lasting help Obesity Coaching Lose weight effectively and sustainably Obesity has become a major public health problem and bariatric surgery remains the best effective and lasting solution. In partnership with the multidisciplinary teams, my ambition is to promote quality care. I accompany you for the follow-up, whether pre or post-operative, but I also help anyone whose weight has become a problem on a psychological, physical and above all social level. Life coaching Grow inside! Complete support to define your personal goals together and help you achieve them by yourself thanks to your own resources and abilities. Thanks to several techniques such as NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming), I help you to develop your potential, to develop your self-confidence and improve your self-esteem in order to reach the desired state of well-being on the affective levels, personal and professional. Choisissez votre formule Find one that works for you 6 Coaching € 400 400€ Réussir sa perte de poids Valid for 3 months Sélectionner 1 Séance de Coaching Offerte 5 Séances de Coaching 1 Coaching € 80 80€ 1 heure Valid for 3 months Sélectionner 1 Séance de Coaching Individuelle Explore the valuable insights shared on our blog. "Crafted to support you throughout your journey in obesity coaching. We're here to provide steadfast support at every turn." Estelle Pasquier Bariatric surgery and pregnancy: risks and benefits The Bariatric surgery has become an increasingly common option for people battling morbid obesity. It offers an effective path to weight... 5 Post not marked as liked Abonnez-vous à notre newsletter ! E-mail J’accepte les termes et conditions S'abonner "I accompany you for your surgery project in Tunisia, ​ The synergy between medical expertise and coaching is the cornerstone of a successful journey... ​ That's where all the difference lies!" Estelle Pasquier Contact me (+33) 06 22 30 64 20

  • Coaching | Estelle Pasquier | Coach en Obésité

    POST-OPERATIVE FOLLOW-UP OF BARIATRIC SURGERY AND OBESITY COACHING Welcome to private bariatric surgery and obesity coaching groups! You can contact other members who will be having surgery with Dr. Jabbes Hatem . This discussion group, before, during and after your intervention, will allow you for a year until your stabilization to communicate, support you, motivate you and share your experience. The members of this group have reserved their interventions and will come for surgery at the beginning of the week. then we will join the obesity coaching workshop at the end of your stay after your intervention. ​ These workshops aim to have a post-operative follow-up after your bariatric surgery. Our work will focus on: The food protocol Coaching in obesity. Food during the months following your operation. Organize your professional, family and personal life with your new stomach. Dr. Jabbes and I focus on the postoperative period. It is important to have become aware and assimilate the food protocol after bariatric surgery back in your country. This group contains information, nutritional support and obesity coaching to help you lose weight until you stabilize it. ​ Groupe Officiel de coaching en obésité par Estelle Pasquier Vous avez choisi de changer votre vie et d'entamer un travail sur vous-même après une chirurgie de l’obésité ​ " Il n'y aucune limitation à notre esprit, que celles que nous lui fixons ..." ​ ​ Nous allons travailler ensemble pendant une période de votre choix dans le but d'un épanouissement personnel. Je vous accompagne dans dans un processus où votre engagement est de vivre votre voyage du héros en : ​ Atteindre vos objectifs Transformer vos croyances limitantes en croyances aidantes Sortir de votre zone de confort Trouver un alignement Améliorer votre relation avec vous même puis avec les autres Explorant vos ressources ​ ​ Mon engagement est de vous accompagner dans ce voyage du héros en ... ​ Respectant ce que vous êtes et ce que vous souhaitez devenir ... ​ ​ Le Coaching de développement personnel est basé sur de la PNL : Programme Neuro Linguistique. C'est un ensemble de techniques de communication et de transformation de soi qui s’intéresse à nos réactions plutôt qu’aux origines de nos comportements. Elle privilégie le comment ? Pourquoi ?, propose une grille d’observation pour améliorer la perception que nous avons de nous-mêmes et des autres. Elle permet également de se fixer des objectifs et de les réaliser. C’est une boîte à outils, dont la clé réside dans le langage et l’utilisation que chacun de nous fait de ses cinq sens et de son corps. Son but : permettre de programmer et reproduire ses propres modèles de réussite. ​ ​ Le coaching émotionnel est une forme de coaching axée sur le développement des compétences émotionnelles et la gestion des émotions. Il vise à aider les individus à comprendre, reconnaître et réguler leurs émotions, ainsi qu'à utiliser ces compétences pour atteindre des objectifs personnels et professionnels. Ce type de coaching se base sur la conviction que la compréhension et la gestion émotionnelles peuvent avoir un impact significatif sur la vie quotidienne, les relations, la carrière et le bien-être général. ​ ​ ​ Voici quelques aspects clés du coaching émotionnel : ​ Conscience émotionnelle : Le coaching émotionnel commence souvent par aider les individus à développer une conscience émotionnelle. Cela implique de reconnaître et de comprendre les émotions, tant positives que négatives, et d'identifier les situations ou les déclencheurs émotionnels. ​ Gestion émotionnelle : Une fois qu'une personne est consciente de ses émotions, le coaching émotionnel vise à développer des stratégies pour gérer ces émotions de manière constructive. Cela peut inclure des techniques de régulation émotionnelle, des approches de gestion du stress et des méthodes pour faire face à des situations difficiles. ​ Intelligence émotionnelle : Le coaching émotionnel est souvent lié au concept d'intelligence émotionnelle, qui englobe la capacité à comprendre ses propres émotions, à reconnaître les émotions des autres, à gérer les relations interpersonnelles et à prendre des décisions émotionnellement intelligentes. Le coaching peut aider à développer ces compétences. ​ Objectifs personnels et professionnels : Le coaching émotionnel est orienté vers l'atteinte d'objectifs spécifiques. Cela peut inclure des objectifs personnels tels que l'amélioration des relations, la gestion du stress, ou le renforcement de la confiance en soi, ainsi que des objectifs professionnels liés à la carrière et à la performance au travail. ​ Communication émotionnelle : Le coaching émotionnel peut également se concentrer sur la communication émotionnelle, en aidant les individus à exprimer leurs sentiments de manière efficace et à comprendre les émotions des autres dans un contexte relationnel. ​ ​ ​ Les coachs émotionnels utilisent souvent des techniques de questionnement, de réflexion et d'exploration pour aider leurs clients à mieux comprendre leurs émotions et à développer des compétences émotionnelles. C'est une approche holistique qui considère les émotions comme des éléments importants pour le bien-être global et le succès dans différents domaines de la vie. Les séances de Coaching individuelles de développement personnel se réalisent sur WhatsApp et en Visio ​ ​ " Cessez de chercher votre place. Rien, ni personne ne vous la donnera. Vous la trouverez le jour où vous commencerez à la tracer vous-même ! " A postoperative follow-up for one year ... until you stabilize Follow-up for one year until your stabilization with nutritional support and obesity coaching in groups or individually by videoconference . ​ ​ In Tunisia, we guarantee you full support after your bariatric surgery with Dr. Jabbes Hatem and Berrich Estelle.

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